Freitag, 19. August 2005

neue Internet-Protokolle für LiveOnline Räume

+ Öst. IPv6 Taskforce
+ Entwicklung Internet-Protokolle für LiveOnline Räume - Pressemeldung 2005-08-01
+ CESNET Forschung in diesem Bereich
The end of this June was the official finish of the international 6NET project, which was implemented as part of the 5th EU Framework Programme. Project results have confirmed that modern data networks are generally ready for switchover to the new IP communication protocol, version 6 (IPv6), which should eventually replace today's IPv4.

The three-and-a-half-year project included the implementation of a native IPv6 network interconnecting academic and commercial institutions in 16 countries. It allowed experts to test a range of services and applications based on the IPv6 protocol.

Thirty-six institutions from Europe and South-East Asia were involved in the international 6NET project, including CESNET from the Czech Republic. CESNET was also the host for the seventh and last meeting of the 6NET consortium, which took place in Prague this January. The final project assessment, conducted in Lisbon in late June, expressed full satisfaction with the results achieved in all monitored categories.

The IPv6 communication protocol has several advantages in comparison with its IPv4 predecessor

Seminar Business Rules

+ ich frage mich, was heisst "Business Rule Approach" ?
This seminar presents a pragmatic Business Rule Approach to ensure your success in conducting business analysis.

Tschech eLearning Portal für Universitäten

___ CESNET _____________________________________
CESNET, association of legal entities, was held in 1996 by all universities of the Czech republic and the Czech Academy of Sciences. It's main goals are:
- operation and development of the Czech NREN
- research and development of advanced network technologies and applications
- broadening of the public knowledge about the advanced networking topics
CESNET is a long-time Czech academic network operator and participant of corresponding international projects.
__ eLearning Portal ________________________________
The activity is related to the 2004 results of the investigators' work in the area of eLearning, and it also brings new topics. The main goal is a qualitative shift in electronic support of education at university level, maximally utilizing current possibilities in the area of progressive network and local digital technologies, such as systems and tools for recording, processing, storing and presentation of multimedia data and tools for remote collaboration.
This activity will show the way for methodology, pilot projects and case studies – how to use the said technologies in education so that they can be reproduced within the framework of CESNET association. The activity should also target the broad students' community at the Czech universities, especially those studying technical and natural sciences. An important part of the project in 2005 will be promotion and subsequent intensive utilization of the portal

contact: Boris Šimák
reports: 2003 annual report


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