Profil Michael G

Donnerstag, 31. März 2005

Profil Michael G mit Bezug auf eLearning

Michael Goriany
Internet lecturer & independent researcher
+ living in Znojmo,CR and Milton Keynes,UK

Since 2004 focusing on & specialising in:

research on web community-building for edu and business, based on social software
eLearning content develoment & knowledge management models -specific target group: lawyers, eGovernment-actors, members of parliament in CEE
social competence for WebCommunities enabling open exchange of knowledge / open innovation / collaborative learning and knowledge management / project team work
market framework for innovative eCampus/Web2.0 models, interdependence of public domain (open knowledge/open content) and proprietary domain

Professional background:

Experienced in Continuing Legal Education; instructional design, lecturing and organization of seminars, investors conferences.
2002/03 aviation training technologies marketing (flight simulators and training centers)
Technical Assistance Projects: project management, advising, preparation of call proposals within the EU-PHARE/TACIS and EBRD programs for CEE & CIS
Until 2002 business lawyer, specializing in CEE transformation process, advising corporate clients, investors, governmental institutions

Specific Continuing Education referring to Internet

University Course of Universität des Saarlandes: IKARUS-how to work in a Virtual Learning Environment (April – June 2004)
Blended Lerning Course of Technical University Vienna: Business Plan for Tech-Start-up (Nov. 2003 – Feb. 2004)
Conferences, Seminars - continously

Research and Lecturing

Development of an implementation program for edu-institutions & companies “ASSET”-Application of Social Software in Education, Teaching & Training
design of “Web2.0 Campus” an Internet- landscape for networked individualists and knowledge communities (Web2.0Campus to be introduced in the near future)
specific articles & lectures:
“WEBLOG & RSS: JUST ANOTHER TOOL ? oder Technologien für ein “New Generation WebCommunity Learning ?“ , Newsletter FH Joanneum, April 2005 – link
“Social Software - Strategisches Kompetenzfeld für ein New Generation–eLearning“, Business Meeting of fnm (Forum Neue Medien), 10.6.2005 - link
Lectures on various aspects of “WebCommunity-learning”:
University of Innsbruck, Seminar Legal Informatics
EPRI (European Parliament Research Institute) - workshop, Vienna, June 2006
Seminar of EU - Legal Informatics Group, Vienna
live-online course “Business Law for non- lawywers”, Werkmeisterkurs click & learn, 2005 (see the experimental/prototype course blog )
prototype LiveOnline-Session of Platform Knowledge Management” ,
Vienna , 2005-12-12) - see the meeting-blog
since May 2006: weekly live online course sessions for the DAFnord community (a european community of non-native german teachers) & “Redaktion eJournalismus in education “

Working platform:

WebCampus:Projects–Interest Grouping (not instutionalized network of eLearning/knowledge management experts, EEIG in foundation)
Web2.0 Research (private research institute, EEIG in foundation)


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Aktuelle Beiträge

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Michael Goriany Internet lecturer & independent...
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Michael G - 2006-08-29 23:06
LiOn Kurzeinführung
PP Folien LiOn-Kurz1 (ppt, 72 KB) LiOn-Web20-html...
Michael G - 2006-06-29 00:04
Zu diesem Weblog
Mein Profil /topics/Profil+Michael+G/ __________________________ __________________________ Herzlich...
Michael G - 2006-01-27 19:36
Selbstregelungsmechanismen ...
Vortrag, den ich heute auf der EU-Rechtsinformatiker-Info rmationsveranstaltung...
Michael G - 2006-01-18 09:44


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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2006-09-09 20:49
