Resourcen eLearning

Montag, 22. August 2005

Diss: Langer, Die Verbildlichung der juristischen Ausbildungsliteratur

+ sehr interessantes Thema, laut Rezension Prof. Lachmayer auch sehr gute Diss. - lesenswert.
+ auch ein interessanter Fall, wo sowohl kostenloser Download möglich ist, als auch Verlag und Verkauf. Nur die Rezension kann nicht kostenlos heruntergeladen werden.
Band 83: Die Verbildlichung der juristischen Ausbildungsliteratur ... Thomas Langer.
Die Datei:. Die Arbeit kann kostenlos als PDF-Datei heruntergeladen ...
Rezension: Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie
Friedrich Lachmayer: Thomas Langer, Die Verbildlichung der juristischen Ausbildungsliteratur bora/Rechtssoziologie/zfrsoz.html

Mittwoch, 3. August 2005

inwent (D) - Publikationen zu berufliche Weiterbildung

+ interessante Publikationen zu Themen Erwachsenenbildung, Vocational Training

Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2005

Internet im Sprachunterricht

+ Internet in the classroom for Languages

Sonntag, 17. Juli 2005

Open Source Software ausprobieren

+ tolle Idee: OSS zum Online ausprobieren

This site was created with one goal in mind. To give you the opportunity to "try out" some of the best php/mysql based free and open source software systems in the world. You are welcome to be the administrator of any site here, allowing you to decide which system best suits your needs.

The administrator username and password is given for every system and each system is deleted and re-installed every two hours. This allows you to to add and delete content, change the way things look, basically be the admin of any system here without fear of breaking anything.

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2005

Präsentation Michl ua, Kollaboratives blended Learning-Welche Faktoren beeinflussen den Lernerfolg?

+ zur Verfügung in Lottes Forum
downgeloadet mit name "2005-07-Michl ua-Faktoren Lernerfolg bei blended learning"
+ besonders interessant finde ich die Matrix "Rahmenbedingungen / Prozessfaktoren". Da sind sozusagen die Schrauben, an denen gedreht werden kann, dargestellt.
+ "Alter" als Kriterium könnte man durch "Lebensperiode" ersetzen
+ interessant die Aussage: Kurse mit einer besonders hohen Lernzielerreichung haben besonders viele TN aus einem dynamischen Umfeld, besonders viele Frauen und/oder ein hohes Niveau an e-Kompetenz der TN.
18.10.2005 - Diskussion in pwm Meeting

+ Ortner:im virtuellen Raum geschieht etwas anderes
+ MG: Grundvertrauen nötig für Zusammenarbeit, schwieriger bei asynchronem Kennenlernen
+ Lehrerzentriertheit hoch wenn Fachwissen hoch als Lerninhalt


Dienstag, 12. April 2005

UNESCO Programm: Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future


Green Pack – a multi-media education resource for teachers

+ The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) was established in 1990 and represents a network of 15 countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia and Slovenia.
+ As a successful example should be mentioned the development of the Green Pack – a multi-media education resource for teachers including CD-Roms, Internet, video and interactive games. Participatory teaching/learning methods and corresponding contents provide an opportunity to develop relevant competencies and values to participate in creating sustainable society and to live in sustainable manner.
Currently the Green Pack is being implemented in seven countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Albania, Russia). It has been made possible by a co-operation with NGOs, teachers, business, education institutes, and the ministries of environment and education in these countries. The Green Pack is available also in English.
ESD materials and teacher training programmes were developed by the REC COs in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia within the project Schools for sustainability in the Baltic States. The main goal of the project was to develop and practice sustainable lifestyle at the school and in local community.

Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit

+ The Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit is an easy-to-use manual for individuals and organizations from both the education and community sectors. This resource addresses the potentially powerful alliance of school systems and communities working together to reach local sustainability goals. Together they can reorient existing curriculums to create locally relevant and culturally appropriate education.

The ESD Toolkit will be helpful as ministries of education, non-profit organizations, school system, communities, and other organizations prepare for United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005 - 2014.

+ The Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit is based on the idea that communities and educational systems within communities need to dovetail their sustainability efforts. As communities develop sustainability goals, local educational systems can modify existing curriculums to reinforce those goals. As we developed the Toolkit, it became apparent that many communities have not developed sustainability goals or action plans on which to base educational change. As a result, we include some exercises to help communities develop such goals. We also include a few exercises to explain the concept of sustainable development.

deutsches eLearning Kompetenz Portal

+ Willkommen im Kompetenz-Netzwerk
für Manager und Nachwuchskräfte!
Was bietet Ihnen die Competence Site? Sie unterstützt Sie bei Ihrer täglichen Arbeit und Ihrer beruflichen Weiterbildung durch:
- Wissen, z.B. Artikel, Studien, Trends, Leitfäden
- Dialog mit Top-Experten und hochkarätigen Nutzern
- Networking und Anbahnung von Geschäftskontakten
Hier finden Sie kostenfrei zahlreiche Dokumente, wie z.B. Artikel, Diskussionsbeiträge, Fallbeispiele, Anbieter, Stellenanzeigen u.v.m.
+ Anbieter i.S. des TDG:
NetSkill AG
Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Köln, Berlin

eLearning Portal der EU
+ eLearning Fundamentals
+ Social and Human aspects
+ Ways of Learning and Teaching
+ Implementation
+ Tools and resources
+ Institutions and Policies


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